Announcements Sunday 20th March

The organization “ Menneskeverd” (tran: human dignity) has organized a protest against ”Fetal reduction”. This is where one can take the life of one of a pair of twins whilst they are still in the womb if their mother thinks it is too difficult to for her to carry both. The protest will be sent to the Minister of Health by 3rd April. Oslo Catholic Diocese & St. Paul parish support this protest & invite all parishioners to show their support by signing the petition either electronically via the parish website or on the lists that are available at the back of the church during all Sunday masses until Easter.

Starting on Good Friday & for the following 9 days we will say the Novena to Divine Mercy 15 minutes before all church service.

The organ club Ferdinand is holding a concert on Saturday 9th April at  3pm in St. Paul church. The clubs teachers & pupils will be playing.

The whole parish is invited to take part in singing the Hallelujah from Handel’s Messiah on Sunday 10th April. There will be practices at 8 pm on 6th April & 10.30 am on 10th April.