Announcements Sunday Jan. 8, 2017

It is still possible to book a place on the pilgrim to Avila & Fatima from 13th to 19th October 2017. The final closing date is 22nd January. More information is available on the notice board & on the parish website.

From 20th January Caritas will be holding their Norwegian language cafe in their new offices at Sigurds gate 8. This will replace the Tuesday cafe after evening mass & their will no longer be Tuesday cafe in Birgittakjelleren. The language cafe will be on Thursdays from 6pm to 8pm & on Fridays from 12noon to 2pm. As before coffee, tea & cakes will be served in a nice social atmosphere. Everyone is welcome.

The collection this weekend will go to Barne-missio which is the papal mission helping children in need throughout the world.