Announcements Sunday May 26, 2019

This Thursday, 30th May, is Accession Day. The mass timetable will be as on a Sunday.

The St. Olav’s guild (Olavsgildet) is arranging a talk by Professor Gjert Vestrheim at 7 pm on Wednesday 5th June in the school auditorium. He will talk about the coexistence of Christians, Jews and Muslims in Spain during the Middle ages. Everyone is welcome. Entrance is kr.50.

Norges Unge Katolikker’s program of summer camps is now ready. Vestlandsleir for children aged 8-14 is of special interest. More  information is available on their website & on the church notice board.

St. Paul’s parish council are planning a seminar in September to discuss the future of the parish. They have prepared a questionnaire which has been sent to the largest groups in the parish. They also invite all members of the parish to answer some questions. The questionnaire and more information is available on the parish website. Everyone is welcome to send in their answers by 30th June.