– The family mass which was scheduled for Sunday Dec. 3rd at 1 pm. has been cancelled. Instead there will be an extraordinary Tamil mass. F. Jeyanthan is coming from Oslo to celebrate this mass.
– After the Tamil mass at 1 p.m. Sunday Dec. 3rd, a Bible quiz will be arranged for children in the Tamil Catechesis. The program takes place in the school, on the 3rd floor. Everyone is welcome.
– Catholic Forum invites everyone to a lecture on Tuesday Dec. 5th at 7:45 in the school teachers workroom. Professor of art history, Gunnar Danbolt, will give a talk on “Christmas Creches in the life of the Church.” Entrance kr. 30.
– We encourage all who have recently moved to the parish or anyone who is not yet registered in the parish to register. Fill out the registration form which you will find in the back of the church, and turn it in to the parish office, or place it in the box in the sacristy after mass. Registration can also be done by text message. The form explains the procedure.