Next weekend Bishop Bernt will visit Bergen. He will inaugurate the new organ at Marias Minde on Friday 27th September at 6 pm & celebrate a pontifical mass. Saturday 28th he will take part in the parish seminar on the future of the parish. At 6pm he will celebrate a pontifical mass in St Paul church as our organ is 100 years old. St Paul choir will sing Wierne’s Messe solenelle for 2 organs & choir. Sunday 29th there will be pontifical mass at 11am, again with Wierne’s Messe solenelle.
Sunday 29th September is Caritas Sunday so the collection at all masses will go to Caritas.
There will be a youth autumn camp at Fredtun Karmøy, outside Haugesund, from 9th to 13th October. It is meant for pupils from 8th class to 1st class videregående. Information & registration is available at the entrance to the church.
This autumn’s marriage course begins on Monday 28th October at 6.30 pm in the school staff room. Anyone wanting a have a catholic marriage must complete one of these courses. Enrolment at the parish office, tel: 55 21 59 50.