Monday 25th there will be the usual ecumenical service in the grounds of Kristkirken, Bergenhus fort, at 12 noon
Confirmation in our parish takes place next weekend. Masses will be in Johannes church at 4 pm on Saturday 30th May & at 2 pm on Sunday 31st May. Sunday masses in St. Paul church will be as normal.
This autumn the parish will start obligatory marriage courses for anyone wanting a catholic wedding. For more information see the notice board outside the church & the parish web site under “katekese & kurs”.
NUK (Norwegian Catholic Youth) is planning a trip to the World Youth Days in Krakow from 16th July to 2nd August next year. For more information see the notice board or parish web site. Closing date for enrollment is 15th September 2015.
Sunday 7th June is Corpus Christi. Norwegian high mass will be in Johannes church & Polish high mass in St. Paul church both at 1 pm. Afterwards there will be a procession, like last year, with altars at Museumplassen, John Lunds Plass, beside Lille Lungegårdsvann & at Festplassen. Please find time to join in this celebration of our faith.