Bergen city council has issued a new infection control advisory. They recommend using a face mask when it is not possible to keep a distance of 1 metre from other people & that everyone should stay at home if anyone in the household is infected with covid-19.
Tuesday 16th November Caritas Norway invites anyone who is interested to take part in a web seminar entitled “Modern slavery in Norway & Internationally” in Caritas Bergen’s premises at Sigurds gate 8 from 5 pm to 6.30 pm.
There will be a Christmas market on Saturday 4th December in the area between the school & the church & in the crypt. Make a note of the date. If you or your group would like to sell anything or can offer practical help please contact the parish office..
The closing date for enrolment to St. Paul school is 15th November for both 1st & 8th classes.