St.Paul church will be closed between Monday 31st of August and Friday 4th of September because of construction work inside. Everyday Mass will be celebrated in the Florida chapel. There will be no school mass on September 5th.
Today after the 11 o’clock mass there will be a registration meeting for First Communion instruction for children born in 2007. The meeting will take place immediately after the mass in the St.Paul’s school audiorium.
Catechesis for children from 4th – 7th class start on Saturday 29th of August at 11.00 at St.Pauls school. More information on parish website – “katekse og kurs”
Catechesis for preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation for the Thursday group starts this coming Thursday September 3rd, at 5:30 p.m..
Youths and adults already helping or wishing to help with interested in catechesis are invited to the Good Shepherd Course in catechesis which will take place between 2nd and 7th of October. More information to be found in a leaflet back in the church and on the website.
Katolsk Forum will have its first program on Tuesday September 8th. The lecture in Norwegian will be by Erik A. Holth, and the theme is “John Henry Newmann: En kirkelærer for samtid og framtid”. The talk will be in the St. Paul school teacher’s lunch room at 7:45 p.m.
Welcome to church coffee in the Crypt after Mass at 11.00.