Announcements, Sunday Jan. 26, 2025

The student group Fides has started up again. Meet at the steps in front of the church after the Sunday evening English mass.

Senior Catholics & others who are free in the morning are again invited to Monday coffee in the CRYPT at 11.40 am (after mass). There will a get together with tea, coffee, good conversation & some singing. The first Monday will be 3rd February. Welcome!

The church office will be closed Thursday and Friday, Jan. 30th and 31st.

This Spring’s marriage preparation course starts on Monday 3rd February from 6 to 8pm in the school staff room. It is still possible to enroll to one of the priests or to the parish office.

The parish Lenten retreat will be from 28th February to 3rd March in St. Paul church. Father Arnold Suhardi, Montfort priest from Rome, will come & talk on the subject “’The spirit of Christ versus the spirit of the world”. The retreat will be in English with translation to Norwegian if necessary. See the notice board outside the church for more information & registration.