Announcements, Sunday Feb. 9, 2025


The student group Fides  is cancelled this Sunday.

 The raffle sale at the parish party brought in kr. 7,710 for Caritas. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Caritas Bergen works on behalf of St Paul parish to help people in our town who are excluded or marginalised. We have a great need for voluntary workers. Are you a student, pensioner or someone who has spare time during the day ? You can contact us in our new premises in the parish office or telephone 91920202.

 Important information for all ministrants & their parents: There will be a meeting after high mass next Sunday, 16th February in St. Paul school.

 Tuesday 11th February we celebrate the Virgin Mary’s appearance at Lourdes. A film of the event will be shown in the school auditorium at 4.30pm. After evening mass there will be church coffee in the school staff room.

 The parish Lenten retreat will be from 28th February to 3rd March in St. Paul church. Father Arnold Suhardi, Montfort priest from Rome, will come & talk on the subject “Christ’s spirit versus the world’s spirit” The retreat will be in English with translation to Norwegian if necessary. See the notice for more information & enrolment.

 The leader of the parish council Jacob Koter Laading has resigned as he is moving abroad. We thank him for his hard work the last few years. Flavius Emiliyanus has been chosen as his successor.

 Dom Alois & the parish council thank those who took part in yesterday’s “dugnad”. It was good to get the area tidied & washed.

 There will be an extended parish council meeting at 5pm on Thursday 20th February in the school staff room because of the bishop’s visit on 1st March.