Thursday 3rd April there will again be vespers at 6 pm with prayers for vocations. After the 7 pm evening mass there will be sacramental worship to the Blessed Heart of Jesus until 9 pm when there will be a final blessing.
The parish office will be closed on Friday 4th April.
Saturday 5th April everyone is welcome to Fatima prayers in the church at 4.30 pm.
Sunday 6th April there will be family mass at 1 pm followed by church coffee. Take some food to share with the others.
Celebration of the anointing of the sick; Monday 7th April. Anyone who is sick & everyone over 60 are invited to attend mass at 11 am & to be anointed.
There will be the usual “Extreme Stations of the Cross” on Friday before Palm Sunday,11th April. The walk starts after the 7 pm mass. The route is 34 km long & starts & ends at St. Paul church. See the notice board.
St. Paul church has been chosen by the bishop to be the pilgrim church for the Jubilee year. At the back of the church there are copies of the pope’s text “Hope doesn’t disappoint” & the jubilee year’s prayer to take home.