Sunday November 27th, the first Sunday in Advent, St. Paul Parish will participate with songs and a devotional message in the “Advent on Fløien”, at the top of Mt. Fløien at 1:15 pm. Afterwards there will be church coffee in the Fløien Restaurant. Cecilia choir shall sing at Fløybanen. All are warmly welcome.
Caritas Bergen is looking for volunteers to attend the language café on Thursdays from 6-8 p.m., and Fridays from 12-2 p.m. Contact the parish office.
Rorate Mass will be celebrated on ednesday morning, 7.45 am at Florida chapel on 30th November, 7th and 14th December
On Sunday 4th December there will be a Family Mass – for families wih children – at 1 pm.
On SUnday 4th December. Caritas Knitting Club (Strikkeklubben) will sell their products after Mass at 11.00 – in the Crypt
Also next Sunday 4th December, a charity organization #BergenforSamos together with Caritas will be collecting baby food for refugees in camps on Samos in Greece where ther are many babies, and it is difficult to get baby food. Those who want to help, please, bring baby food- either baby smoothie (except strawberry) or powder milk NAN2. It will be collected after Mass.