Announcements Sunday May 14, 2017

On 17th May there will be mass in the church at 9 am & 7 pm.

Next Saturday, 20th May, there will be adoration & worship  at 7 pm organized by the Mother Therese sisters & students of our parish. Everyone is welcome.

Norges Unge Katolikker (NUK) invites all those between 8 & 14 years of age to take part in their summer camp (Vestlandslier) from 24th June to 1st July. This is a unique opportunity to make friends with other Catholics. Registration is via & the deadline is 24th May. More information is available from the leaflets at the back of the church or by contacting the parish children & youth worker Marta Krakus.

The diocesan magazine St. Olav Kirkeblad has now become a free subscription magazine. This means that those who still want to receive it in the post must activate their subscription. Instructions on how to do this were on the back of the last magazine, on the parish website & on the notice board at the back of the church.