Announcements Sunday June 4, 2017

– There are spots for two more people on the parish pilgrimage to Avila and Fatima, 13-19 October. Register in the parish office by June 10th.

– By request of Caritas Norway, a special collection will be taken at the exits after the masses this weekend, to help victims of the floods in Sri Lanka and war refugees in the Philippines.

– On the second day of Pentecost, Monday June 5th, there will be the usual ecumenical worship service on the “Kristkirketomt” at Bergenhus fortress, at 12.00. We encourage everyone to participate. There is a Norwegian mass in St. Paul church at 11.00, so it should be possible to make it out to Kristkirketomt in time.

– There will be a summer concert with performances by the St. Paul children’s choir and aspirant choir, as well as Organ Club Ferdinand and the St. Paul choir, on Saturday June 10, at 4.00 p.m.

– Next Sunday June 11th there will be registration for new candidates for confirmation, who were born in 2004. There will be an information meeting in the school auditorium immediately following the 11 o’clock mass.

– Corpus Christi is coming on June 18th. There will be a Norwegian high mass in Johanneskirken and a Polish high mass in St. Paul church at 2:00 p.m.,  followed by a procession, with altars at Museumsplassen, John Lunds plass, at Lille Lungegårds vann, and at Festplassen. Please take time to participate in this celebration of our faith.