Rorate masse will be celebrated on Wednesday 13th December at 7.45 am in St. Sunniva chapel at Florida. Everyone is welcome.
St. Paul choir have their Christmas concert on Wednesday 13th December at 8.30 pm
Byron Consort boy’s choir from England will visit our parish & give a Christmas concert with organ club Ferdinand at 4 pm on Saturday 16th December. They will also sing at the Latin mass at 6 pm that Saturday. After the Latin mass there will be adoration of the Blessed sacrament & singing of hymns.
Our Three Wise Men’s party will be in the school gym hall on Sunday 7th January from 2 pm to 4.30 pm. Reservations required at the parish office not later than 12th December. See the poster at the back of the church.
St Olav kirkeblad no.4 for 2017 has been sent out to all those who have subscribed to it. It now comes in a new form with 80 pages of interesting articles to read during Christmas. It is still possible to subscribe by sending an SMS/e-post or phoning the editorial office. More information is available on the parish website.