Announcements Sunday March 4, 2018

Father Rory Mulligan will be holding a Lenten retreat at Maria’s Minde from 8th to 11th March. The subject is “Mary, a model for us disciples”.  Enrollment by 1st March online at or at the parish office. More information on the notice board at the back of the church.

In connection with this Lenten retreat, & at the suggestion of Pope Francis in his Lenten message, there will be a 24 hour vigil at Maria’s Minde on 9th & 10th March. It begins with mass at 9 am on 9th March followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & prayers. It will also be possible to go to confession. The church at Maria’s Minde will be open all day & accessible at night. A detailed program will be available later.

The Foster Care Service of the Norwegian Child Welfare Services, in collaboration with St Paul parish, is holding an information meeting for adults who might be interested to hear more about being a foster home, family home or an emergency home. The meeting will be in the staff room of St. Paul primary school on Thursday 15th March from 6.30  to 8.30 pm. There are be no commitments for anyone attending the meeting. Enrolment to the parish office or by the electronic link on the parish website.

This autumn St. Johannes Catholic Bible school opens at Marias Minne in Sandviken. The school offers studies in Catholic belief & practice, basic training in children & young people’s catechesis or in parish finance & administration.  For more information cantact the project leader Peder Solberg.

There will be an extreme Stations of the Cross after evening mass on 23rd March. It will go over 34 km during the night. More information later.