The student group Fides starts up again this Sunday at 7 pm, after the English mass. It is for young people aged 18 to 35. They will meet outside the church every Sunday. The contact person is Isabel Maria Velasco.
The relics of St. Thérèse of Lisieux & her parents will be coming to St. Paul’s parish on 9th & 10th October. In preparations for the visit, the novena to St. Thérèse will be said after every mass. The prayers are printed in several languages & are available at the back of the church.
Tuesday 4th September the Mother Teresa sisters will be having a memorial evening for holy Mother Teresa. There will be prayers at 6pm & after mass a program in the school. For more information see the notice board.
This autumn’s marriage course begins on Monday 29th October at 6.30 pm in the school staff room. Anyone wanting a have a Catholic marriage must complete one of these courses. Enrolment at the parish office, tel: 55 21 59 50
Children of all ages can now be enrolled on one of this autumn’s catechism courses. We need more catechism teachers for both adults & young people. There will be a course in The Good Shepherd catechism for teachers, & anyone else who is interested, on the evenings of 17th to 21st September. There will also be leader training for young people aged 15 & older. For more information see the brochures at the back of the church & the parish website.
Saturday 15th September the Pastoral department of the Catholic diocese of Oslo is organizing a day focusing on the protection of family life. More information is available on the notice board.