Our congratulations to Father Wilhelm Hertmann OKM, once parish priest in St. Paul parish, who will be 100 years old on 10th October.
The relics of St. Thérèse of Lisieux & her parents will be coming to St. Paul’s parish on 9th & 10th October. In preparations for the visit the novena to St. Thérèse will be said after every mass. The prayers are printed in several languages & are available at the back of the church. Those who take part in the masses can obtain a plenary indulgence with the usual conditions which are; confession, communion during the pilgrimage mass & saying the indulgence prayers.
This autumn’s marriage course begins on Monday 29th October at 6.30 pm in the school staff room. Anyone wanting to have a Catholic marriage must complete one of these courses. Enrolment at the parish office, tel: 55 21 59 5
The parish is arranging an Autumn camp from 6th to 10th October at Fredtun camping school on Karmøy for children in 4th to 9th class. For further information see the parish website.
Today is Caritas Sunday & the collection will go to Caritas.