Caritas Bergen needs more volunteers for their “ Help with homework” (leskehjelpen) & Norwegian workshop. Anyone who would like to help should contact them at Sigurds gate 8, Bergen, tlf. 939 92 226, or email to:
Monday 7th October , the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the Mother Teresa sisters invite everyone to join them for prayers in the church from 3 pm. to 6.45 pm.
There will be a youth autumn camp at Fredtun Karmøy, outside Haugesund, from 9th to 13th October. It is meant for pupils from 8th class to 1st class videregående. Information & registration is available at the entrance to the church
This autumn’s marriage course begins on Monday 28th October at 6.30 pm in the school staff room. Anyone wanting a have a catholic marriage must complete one of these courses. Enrolment at the parish office, tel: 55 21 59 50.
Pensioners of our parish are invited to mass at 11 am on Mondays followed by coffee in Birgittakjelleren.
There will be no school mass on Fridays 4 th & 11th October.