Dear Parishioners
The Christmas message lets us meet God’s mercy in a very concrete way. The child in the manger shows God’s mercy to us. The Christmas message tells the shepherds, the three kings, and all of us that we are not alone in the world. We have One who shares our joys and our sorrows, who supports us and helps us when we feel that we fail, and who lifts us when we fall, who accepts us and forgives us when we have sinned, He “who is with us to the end of days.” Yes, God’s Son has come down from heaven and become one of us, and taking on our flesh, has brought us reconciliation. He calls us through the sacraments of the Church to let ourselves be reconciled. He lets us meet His mercy and he influences and reshapes us through it so that we can be messengers of his mercy to the world and cry “Let yourselves be reconciled with God”.
May God’s mercy touch your hearts through the child in the manger, God, who became man, God our Saviour.
I wish you a happy and blessed Christmas
Parish priest Dom Alois