Father Michel Beckers, who was parish priest in St. Paul parish from 1976 to 1982 & from 1994 to 2003, died on 16th November in Gemert in the Netherlands, where he has lived the last years during his illness. He slipped quietly away surrounded by his closest family. He was loved as a priest & as a fellow human being & many in our parish have fond memories of him. There won’t be a funeral but a Requiem mass will be celebrated for him at 7 pm on Tuesday 29th November. Rest in peace.
Today, 27th November, is the 1st Sunday in Advent. The Sunday readings for year A begin at all Sunday masses, with gospel reading mainly from Matthew’s gospel. Weekday masses have reading for year 1.
St. Paul parish is arranging Eucharistic Adoration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the night between Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd December, starting after evening mass. For more information & enrolment contact the Mother Teresa sisters on tel: 55215970. Everyone is welcome.