Monday 8th April we will celebrate the Annunciation of Our Lord at masses at 11 am & 7 pm. After morning mass (11am) senior Catholics are invited to meet in Birgittakjelleren. There will be tea, coffee, conversation & singing. After evening mass (7pm) the group ”Mary, Mother of all hearts” invites everyone to Church coffee.
Caritas Bergen’s annual general meeting will be on Tuesday 23rd April at 6 pm in their premises at Sigurdsgate 8. All members of St. Paul parish from 18 years old are elligible to take part in the meeting with voice and vote. See the church notice board.
The Bible Society’s new Bible with the Catholic canon is finally available. It costs kr.799 & can be bought online or in the parish office.
Our Parish needs more catechists from this autumn for both childrens and confirmant instruction. There will therefore be a beginners’ course in the Good Shepherd catechism from 21st to 26th June at Marias Minde. See the brochure at the back of the church.