Announcements, Sunday Sept. 29, 2024

Today is Caritas Sunday. Collect from all Mass’s goes to Caritas work.

Thursday the 3rd of October there will be vesper kl 18.30 with prayers, for a call to the church. After the evening Mass at kl 19:00 we invite you to sacramental worship to the Sacred Heart of Jesus until 21:00 with blessing.

Saturday, 5 October, everyone is invited to the First Saturday service in the church at kl 16:30.

Sunday, October 6, there will be a family fair at kl 13.00 with church coffee in the Crypt afterwards. Bring food to share. There, the group “Maria, Queen of All Hearts (MAHD)” will also have a meeting with the children about praying the rosary.

Sunday, 6th October, the Lay Franciscans in Bergen will organize a meeting to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the lay order in St. Paul parish. We belatedly celebrate Saint Francis. Franciscan brother Bjarne Falkanger will also be present. The meeting is open to everyone and will be in the school staff room at 13:30.

Monday 7th of October we celebrate Mary of the Rosary, it is also the founding day of the “Missionaries of Charity”. The Mother Teresa sisters invite you to worship to give thanks to God. Worship starts after the 11:00 Mass and ends before the evening Mass. Every hour the Rosary is prayed in a different language. Please contact Sr. Lieve if you want to lead the rosary in your language. Everyone is welcome to participate.

We have all heard about the flooding in Central Europe, including Poland. To help the flood victims, we are taking up an extra collection today at the exit doors. It is possible to give a gift on Vipps 111576 please write Flood.