Katolsk Forum’s next talk will be on Tuesday 16th January. The topic is “Discussions on church life” with 4 Catholics giving their views. The meeting is in the teachers workroom at 7:45 p.m.
In connection with ecumenical prayer week there will be an ecumenical service in Biskopshavn church on 26th January at 7.30 pm. Everyone is welcome.
Sunday 21st January is the celebration of St. Paul’s conversion. After 11 am high mass there will be a parish party in the school gym hall with entertainment, raffle & food from around the world.
Friday 2nd February is Candle mass day & Christ’s presentation in the Temple will be celebrated during mass at 7 pm. It is also ordination day in our diocese when we pray especially of ordinations. Mass starts with blessing of the candles to be used during the year followed by a procession of light. After mass there will be Balsius blessing of throats.
A new marriage course will begin on 12th February in the staff room at St. Paul school & will go over the next 5 Mondays. Anyone wanting a Catholic marriage must complete one of these courses. Enrollment at the parish office.