There will be worship of the Blessed sacrament at 7pm on Saturday 16th June with Fides.
Enrollment to confirmation, for those born in 2005, will take place after high mass next Sunday 17th June.
St. Paul parish will take part in the ecumenical gathering at Bergenhus Festning on Saturday 23rd June with hymns & prayers. For the occasion we will be establishing a choir made up all those who would like to take part. The choir will sing in the 2nd part of the gathering, probably around 5.30 pm. There will be practices in the church on Wednesdays 13th & 20th June from 8-10 pm. We will practice Tantum Ergo & 2 African songs.
The organizers are also looking for volunteers to help with the event. More information can be found on the website “kronham”.