Announcements Sunday Sept. 16, 2018
St. Paul Menighet > English > Announcements Sunday Sept. 16, 2018
- The Student Group Fides has started meeting again after the English masses on Sunday evening. They invite all students and young adults from 18-35 to meet outside the church at 7.p.m.
- BUK — Bergens Young Catholics invites all teenagers to a Game Night, mass and pizza Thursday Sept. 13th. We meet in the Crypt beneath the church at 5 p..m.
- On the occasion of the inauguration of the Guild of St. Olav, the Catholic Forum invites us all to a lecture on St. Olav, on Tuesday Sept. 18th. The lecturer is Anne-Britt Høibye from our parish. The talk will be in the staff workroom at St. Paul School at 7:45 p.m. Entrance kr. 30.
- Tuesday Sept. 25th there will be a lecture at the same place and time, by Father Kjell Arild Pollestad on St. Therese av Lisieux on the occasion of the touring exhibit of her relics.
- The relics of St. Therese of Lisieux and her parents will be visiting St. Paul parish on Oct. 9th-10th. For nine weeks leading up to the visit we will now intensify our preparations, and after each holy mass we will pray the novena to St. Therese. The prayer is printed in several languages and available at the back of the church.
- The Marriage Preparation Course for the autumn of 2019 begins Monday Oct. 29th at 6:30 p.m. in the school staff workroom. Anyone wanting to be married in the Catholic Church must participate in this course. Registration in the parish office, tel. 55 21 59 50.
- Caritas Bergen is in need of more volunteers for homework help and the Norwegian language workshop. Don’t hesitate to get in touch! The office address is Sigurds gate 8, Bergen.