Announcements, Sunday Jan. 9, 2022

Friday 28th January at 6pm the St. Georg pioneer scout group for boys & young men will have it’s first meeting at Marias Minde. Boys from 10-17 are very welcome to take part in outdoor activities, a bonfire & prayers. For more information & names of contacts see the church notice board.

Caritas Bergen is looking for retired teachers or student teachers to take a part-time job as teacher on a course in Norwegian & social studies. This is paid work of about 4 hours every week. For more information either ring tel. 466 77 775 or come into the office at Sigurds gate 8.

Caritas Bergen also needs volunteer co-workers to help with “homework help” for adult pupils from various countries. This takes place in the Caritas office on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday afternoons & on Wednesday mornings. Ring tel. 466 77 775 if you would like to help 1 or 2 days a week.

 The following are the rules for disease control in the church:

  • Stay at home if you have been in contact with someone who has covid-19 or you yourself have symptoms.
  • Do not hug or shake hands at the sign of peace.
  • Maintain good hygiene & use the Antibac when you enter the church.
  • Keep 1m metre apart, except for members of the same household.
  • Face coverings must been wore in the church.
  • Communion will be received in the pews.
  • Communion in the hand is recommended.

The registration list for Sunday masses fills up quickly. If you are unable to come to mass it is important to cancel your place as there are many people who would like to come to Sunday mass but who haven’t been able to book a place. Cancellation is easy, just press the code you have received on your smart phone & cancel one or more tickets.