
Announcements for Sunday November 23rd

– Saturday Nov. 29, at 5 o’clock p.m. there will be a music rehearsal for the entire parish. We will rehears mass nr. 7 and sing it together in multi-part harmony for the Sunday mass on the 30th. We will also use mass…
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Announcements for Sunday November 16th

– From the 21 – 23  November is the “youth weekend for 8th and 10th classes at Lønningsstrand, Flesland. Registration forms can be found at the back of the church. The registration forms can be handed into the reception at…
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Announcements for Sunday the 9th November 2014

-The Catholic Forum invites everyone to their last assembly for this term, in the staff room at St. Paul’s school on Tuesday the 11th November at 19:45 – admission kr 30. The theme is J.R.R. Tolkien og Ringenes Herre –…
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Announcements for Sunday the 2nd November 2014

-The Catholic Forum invites everyone to their last assembly for this term, in the staff room at St. Paul’s school on Tuesday the 11th November at 19:45 – admission kr 30. The theme is J.R.R. Tolkien og Ringenes Herre –…
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Announcements for Sunday the 26th October 2014

This weekend we will be celebrating All Saints and All Souls Day. Saturday is Halloween\All Saints`s Eve. There will be Mass at Marie`s Minde in Norwegian at 10:00, St. Paul`s church 18:00 and the Polish Mass at 19:30 Saturday the…
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Announcements for Sunday the 19th October 2014

Caritas information center needs volanteers with knowledge of the Norwegian society and job market who can speak Spanish, Romanian and Polish. One would have to be able to give advice and information to foreigners looking for work. Please check the…
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Announcements for Sunday, October 05, 2014

This coming week is the autumn school holiday, and the church office will be closed. In case of an emergency please phone the on-duty priest at 55 21 59 50. Thursday Oct. 16th there will be a high mass in…
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Announcements for Sunday, September 28, 2014

– This Sunday, Sept. 28th, is Caritas Sunday. The church collection will go to the work of Caritas both at home and abroad. The profits from church coffee will also be given to Caritas Norway. – The extra collection for…
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Announcements for Sunday, September 21, 2014

– There will be a meeting of the Catholic Forum on Tuesday Sept. 30th, this time at St. Paul Gymnas. The topic (in Norwegian) is “What is a Catholic school” St. Paul primary and secondary schools in Bergen” by principle…
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Announcements for Sunday, September 7, 2014

– Monday September 8th there will be adoration and prayer for the family, in St. Paul church, in front of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Adoration will begin after the 11 o’clock mass and conclude before the Tamil…
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